Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome Back, Mr. Rooney.

It only took nearly a year and many bad games, but Wayne Rooney finally scored his first hat-trick this season. Rooney's incredible three goal run during the early morning match at Upton Park proved to be enough to bring Manchester United a whole 7 points ahead of second place Arsenal, who drew against Blackburn.

Things are looking good in the Premier League, but Manchester United is coming up to it's Champions League clash against Chelsea, starting Wednesday.

Manchester United 4 - 2 West Ham

This game was becoming a important one, making or breaking Manchester United's 19th league title run. This was also another match Sir Alex Ferguson would be sitting out from the touchline, but over watching his players like a hawk in the stands.

The game started out relatively quiet, with each sides making long demanding strides but both starting keepers, Tomasz Kuszczak for Man United and Robert Green for West Ham. It wasn't till the 11th minute when a cross ball landed on top of Evra and Carlton Cole, with Evra seemingly able to handle the ball but from another angle it showed to be a hand ball. Referee Lee Mason called for a penalty and Mark Noble stepped up to the plate, sending Tomasz the wrong way and sending cheers around Upton Park, and around the league for Arsenal and Chelsea fans.

After the penalty kick, Manchester again re-gained control of the match, taking much of the possession in the first half. It wasn't till 24th minute when Carlton Cole was in control of the ball near Manchester's box, teasing Vidic into making an obvious foul, but Referee Mason called for another penalty kick, which the Manchester players and fans argued about. Yet again, Mark Noble stepped up to the plate to smash into the roof of the net to make the game 0-2 West Ham.

Manchester was in control for most of the game, firing volley after volley towards Robert Green who seemed unmovable. Even with the welcomed additions of Park Ji-sung and Vidic, the back line for Manchester just could not hold against West Ham. Another take down by Vidic against Demba Ba produced yellow cards for both of them and Manchester went into half time still behind by 2.

During the break, Ferguson threw on Hernandez for Evra, moving Giggs to play left-back. Javier almost made an instant impression when his improvised flick from Giggs' cross sailed over the bar. Rooney, who was leader behind United's good play in the first half began to look lost. His hesitation soon got him a kick on the ankle from Da Costa, who was rightly yellow carded.

United went for broke in the 64th minute when Dimitar Berbatov replaced Park, who walked off to a standing ovation from the Manchester fans in the stands, as they were awarded a free-kick, which saw them finally get back in the game as Rooney curled home from 25 yards for his first goal of the game.

With a almost scary line up of Hernandez, Berbatov, and Rooney all being on the field, it just seemed to break down West Ham completely as shots started to come all over the place towards Robert Green. Rooney came to the rescue again when Antonio Valencia's ball found him on the edge of the box and West Ham's defence allowed him to take a touch and fire low across Green.

As I had said in one of my previous blog posts, Antonio Valencia is most likely the key that unlocks Rooney's superior skill as Rooney has been collecting more and more goals during these last few games and has been a obvious great addition for the team during their run up to their 19th League Title.

In the 79th minute, Fabio was making a dashing run deep into the West Ham backline, reaching the Hammer's box, when Fabio's skill left Matthew Upson on the deck and when the defender got back up, the full-back kicked the ball against his arm. While the Hammers opposed the decision Rooney stepped up to complete the most unlikely of hat-tricks and in another amazing game, Manchester came back from behind to take the lead. Gibson should have made it 4-2 before West Ham brought on a couple of subs, but it instead went too high.

Smalling survived another handball shout before sending the ball deep towards West Ham's side, Hernandez pounced on a piece of terrible defending six minutes from time to turn in Giggs' cross, which had bounced it's way across the box to Hernandez. Rooney was taken off for Nani as United comfortably saw out their latest fightback.

At the end, Rooney strolled across the field making sure that he got the match ball, and rightly he deserved it.

After the match, Sir Alex was talking to ESPN and said this;

Ferguson said: "We played like champions today, we kept our heads up and didn't lose faith in our ability. It's never easy coming here. They are fighting relegation but we had to do our thing. We dominated that second half and it was a real championship performance.''

"It was eventful. Being two goals down was a travesty in terms of possession and chances created. We were under the cosh so I felt we had to go for it. We needed to get something from it.''

Victory put United eight points ahead of Arsenal before the Gunners' evening kick-off against Blackburn but Ferguson added: "Arsenal have a game in hand. It could go to goal difference but I somehow don't think so.''

The Old Trafford manager insisted Nemanja Vidic's tackle on Carlton Cole which resulted in West Ham's second penalty was outside the box although he conceded the Serb could have been sent off later when he fouled Demba Ba.

"He could have been sent off for the free-kick outside the box and maybe got a lucky break,'' he said. "It would have been harsh but he could have been sent off.''

After the game, it left Manchester United sitting comfortably on top with a huge lead and very few games left. Chelsea drew against Stoke, and Arsenal failed to produced anything in their draw against Blackburn.

Champion's League Match Up

Revenge? It must be. Even though both sides have stated they are just looking to push their respective teams forward, it is very obvious on the fan side to see how the revenge tie is running up.

If you don't know what I am talking about just simply take a gander at this picture from their last clash in 2008;

In 2008, Chelsea came within one kick of becoming the first London side to win the European Cup, only to see John Terry slip and send his penalty against the post in a dramatic shoot-out. This image above is of the Chelsea captain with his head between his legs, regretting his slip and wishing it was all a dream. Those memories will be rawer than usual when Manchester United and Chelsea meet for the first time and even against what the media has been blasting, it's going to be one of the more explosive ties, even quite possibly more than the famous Barcelona vs Real Madrid.

While Chelsea have one solitary aim, United have an unprecedented second Treble still in their sights, but many wonder if their focus been disrupted by external pressures, such as the media storm caused by Wayne Rooney's decision to swear into a TV camera in the 4-2 win over West Ham at the weekend has shown no signs of abating with the striker now subject to an FA charge.

Doubt surrounds the participation of Rio Ferdinand, who is an outside chance to feature having suffered from a calf injury of late. Owen Hargreaves, John O'Shea, Rafael, Darren Fletcher, Anders Lindegaard and Wes Brown could all be absent, but goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar could return after missing the West Ham win due to a small injury.

But the current United side, after their win against West Ham, looks most likely to produce the strength needed to get past this tie and pull off a win. I am expecting a simple draw at Stamford Bridge, were the first match will be played on the 6th. As usual with Manchester, the second and final game will be played at Old Trafford on the 12th, giving United the extra power and fan support to fight for a win.

Will it end in another shoot out in United favor, or will one side pull through? We will find out with tomorrow's first match at Stamford Bridge, April 6th, 2:45 PM ET.

Rooney's Swearing

As many know by now, Wayne Rooney was reported swearing into a Sky Sports camera after scoring his hat-trick, and bringing Manchester United another come from behind win. Since the words have come out of his mouth, the media and FA has been all over him and Manchester United, with the FA riding in on their high stallions on properness and well-being.

Now, it looks like the FA are aiming their sights at Rooney with a shot of 2 game match ban for his words. This could mean, if Rooney accepts and doesn't fight it, that he would be out for a Premier League match and a FA Cup draw against Manchester City.

I can understand why everyone is being all up in arms about this, he stared right into the camera and started shouting his swears, but I think if everyone was asked and responded honestly, who wouldn't?

After coming from a horrible World Cup, a bad start to the season, contract negations, and all around poor form for nearly a year and a half, since his injury against Bayern Munich. Now he has 10 goals this season, and three of them produced a hat trick for him against West Ham, who played and beat Man United already a couple of times this season.

I truly hope that the FA does not ruin this for Wayne and the United fans, as this is a very resounding statement. Rooney seems to be back to his old wonderful ways and United is happily marching on towards another league title, and even a possible treble if things go Sir Alex's way, winning the Premier League, Champions League, and FA Cup all together.

As of right now, Rooney has obviously admitted to his swear words but will go in and appeal his ban and as many are saying, he should. Being a fan since Rooney came from Everton, it only warms my heart to see his passion in every match that he is playing and this is just another prime example of Roonmotions. I personally believe he should be fined, it was a bad action he decided to take, emotional or not. But to take away a player from two matches, and let's be honest super important for Man United, and make him sit out in a already horribly filled injury list could just spell trouble for the team.

For now, all we can really do is wait and see what the FA decides and how Rooney and Sir Alex respond.

I will be posting live for tomorrow's game, unless something work related comes up for me during the day. So if I am not able to make live posts, I will do another sort of post like this one tomorrow.

Until then, tell me what you think in the comment section below what the odds are Manchester United could pull out a sneaky away goal at Stamford Bridge, which United hasn't won at since 2002.


Reaver said...

Wayne Rooney's swearing was rather humorous to see and hear, showing how excited he must have been to got the game attention he deserved. The irony that the FA plan to give him a two game ban shows that Manchester United will forever be the FA's problem child. I'm pretty sure any child, supporting United or West Ham, were cursing loudly at the excitement or irritation. Reminds me of the classic picture of a young blond boy giving the finger from the United stands, yelling loudly "FUCK YOU".

The importance of their victory at Upton Park was not as much needed after Arsenal's failed attempts against Blackburn, but it give them enough of a lead to say they will be Premier League champions this year if Arsenal can't regain their abilities.

It is for sure a proud week for United fans, but the high could easily be killed if Chelsea are able to defeat them in the UEFA quarterfinals, though the inability to get a goal by Torres since his entrance and the draw with Stoke City may give one the sense of belief that United will have the Treble this year, depending on who they face in the semi finals. Tottenhams defeat today was proof that it will not be an English team this year versus another for the Champions League. Now we await the Darby at Wembly stadium.