Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another big game..

I have only been watching premier league for only so long, longer than most in America I will say, but not as long as someone living at the UK. For some reason, the past couple of years when it comes to major games there has been major problems with the reffing. I am sure the pressure is really high when it comes to refereeing a GIGANTIC game like Manchester United vs Chelsea, but making silly mistakes over and over is just lame and ruins the game of what could have been!

This game could have easily been a real nail biter, and pretty much was during most of the first half, and into the second. But the first half didn't come off without it's oops and my bads from the refs, simply just calling different things here and there like he was more trying to do nothing and act like he was working hard.

But in the end, as we all saw, Chelsea pulled off a groovy victory, tying the game up with a good header, with a Manchester's defense failing to defend against it, and only to watch their hopes slip away in another away defeat at Stamford Bridge two minutes after a obvious foul was missed call, a bad call was made and a penalty kick was given to a diver.

Frank Lampard hardly misses thoses, and the same can be said about his free kicks. So obviously he slammed it home and the last ten minutes was Manchester trying to fight tooth and nail, only to be held in their own corner for a good solid few minutes.

Karma HAS to be real, that is the only obvious explanation about today's game. Otherwise, it could have easily been another Manchester United win.